Yorkshire Terrier’s: The Best Companion Dogs

For many of us, we spend a great deal of time and effort trying to search for the perfect four-legged companion. When it comes to finding the most loyal, intelligent, and affectionate pup, there is one breed that stands out for its irresistible charm and unwavering companionship: the Yorkshire Terrier.

These pint-sized canines have won the hearts of dog lovers and admirers worldwide, earning a well-deserved reputation as the best companion dog breed out there. Whether you are seeking a furry friend to move into your apartment or looking to add a loving addition to the family, Yorkies possess a certain mix of qualities that make them the perfect puppy for a diverse range of lifestyles. 

Adorable Yorkie
In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the mind and personality of a Yorkie, noting their unique qualities, adaptability to different home environments, training requirements, grooming needs, and much more. Coming to the end, you will understand why these particular dogs have secured their place as loving family members in countless households. So strap in, because you are about to enter the unique and fascinating world of Yorkies.
Yorkies are small dogs known for their charming and adorable appearance. Typically weighing 2–3 kg, they stand around 8–9 inches tall. Through their luxurious, silky coats, they captivate their elegant and compact build. They are known for their temperament and charming nature, which makes them the perfect companion.

Yorkies as a House Dog

  • Looking at the history of Yorkies, we follow the ‘tale’ that wags throughout the industrial landscapes of 19th-century England. Derived from the historic county of Yorkshire, these small dogs were bred for practical purposes before warming the hearts of dog enthusiasts from around the globe.
  • Yorkies trace their DNA to several other terrier breeds, such as the Waterside Terrier, Paisley Terrier and the Clydesdale Terrier. They were initially bred for working class families, particularly weavers in Yorkshire who needed to catch rats in textile mills. Their small size and compactibility made them perfect for navigating the tight spaces of the industrial mills.
  • Years later, the Yorkies caught the attention of royal and aristocratic society, which began to breed them as companions rather than working animals. By the 1860s, the Yorkies gained recognition by entering dog shows as “broken-haired Scottish terriers”. Subsequently, breeders began to focus on their distinctive long and silky coat, which was popular among dog admirers.
  • Yorkies are now adored all around the world for their endearing personalities, attractive appearances, and everlasting devotion. Their humble beginnings as working dogs have evolved into a heritage of friendship that thrives in families all around the world.

Yorkies make excellent house dogs due to their distinct qualities and characteristics that align with indoor living environments. Because of their small size, minimal activity requirements, and flexible disposition, they are ideal for people or families looking for a compact and affectionate companion that thrives in the comfort of their interior surroundings. 

In addition to this, Yorkies thrive in a diverse range of living environments, making them perfect for both small apartments and large homes. Through their miniature size, they are able to live in small spaces without feeling constrained or claustrophobic.

Yorkies as a House Dog

  • Low Exercise: Yorkies are perfect for indoor living due to their minimal exercise needs. Whilst they still typically require 30 - 40 minutes of exercise per day, their small size means that they can often get sufficient physical activity either indoors through playtime or short walks around the block. This makes them an ideal choice for families with many commitments, or for individuals who live in the inner city with a reduced home space.
  • Training and Behaviour: It is paramount that effective dog training is completed when considering Yorkies as house dogs. This is because of their tendency to be vocal, which can be minimised through proper training and socialisation. By persistently training your Yorkies, over time, it will become better behaved and house accidents will reduce

Overall, Yorkies are well-suited for indoor existence as treasured house dogs because of their flexibility, small size, moderate activity requirements, and trainability. Their presence brings joy and friendship to any home, making them ideal for individuals or families looking for a devoted and loving companion.

Yorkies: Behaviour, Temperament and Personalities

Yorkies have a happy disposition that makes them excellent companions. They cling to their owners with their own special traits. The affectionate and loving nature you expect to see shines through in their interactions with their owners

  • Yorkies are characterised by forming deep and interpersonal bonds with their owners, often seeking cuddles and lap time with their beloved humans.
  • These dogs are also known for their unwavering loyalty, with which they are eager to please their owners. They take pride in being devoted companions, often displaying their loyalty through protecting instincts and a constant presence by their owners' sides.
  • It is essential for Yorkiess to engage in proper socialisation, in order to be able to develop the skills to foster positive interactions with other pets and children. When effectively socialised from a young age, Yorkiess can develop friendly relationships with other families and display an amiable demeanour around children, making them suitable for young families.

Overall, their temperament is a fascinating blend of affection, loyalty, and sociability. Through their loving nature and unwavering loyalty to their owners, they are cherished companions who require effective socialisation to ensure harmonious interactions with other pets and children.

Yorkies: Grooming and Maintenance

Yorkies are known for their beautifully long, silky coats that require regular maintenance. Their grooming process is not only central to their overall aesthetic and presentation, but, more importantly, to their health and well-being. It is important to establish a regular grooming routine from the beginning in order to ensure that your Yorkie remains free from tangles and matting.

This sounds like a lot of work, but theoretically, it only takes an hour or two of your time. Here are some tips for grooming your Yorkies:

  • Regular Brushing: Yorkies should be brushed daily to prevent their long coats from being tangled. Use a soft bristle brush or comb that is especially designed for long-haired dogs. Gently brush through their coat, paying attention to parts that are prone to tangles or matting (such as behind the legs).
  • Bathing: It is recommended that Yorkies be bathed every three to four weeks, however, this depends on their activity level and the coat's condition. Using a mild dog shampoo and warm water, gently scrub your Yorkie and ensure that you thoroughly rinse out the soap to avoid residue on their skin. After, make sure that you gently towel dry or use a hairdryer on low to prevent their coat from being tangled.
  • Coat Trimming: Regular trimming is necessary to maintain the desired length of the Yorkie's coat. Owners can learn to do this themselves or take them to a professional groomer every 6 to 8 weeks. This also prevents hair from getting in their eyes and causing irritation
  • Dental Care: Yorkies are prone to a number of dental issues, such as tooth decay and gum disease. By establishing a dental care routine using a dog-specific toothbrush and toothpaste, you can ensure that their oral hygiene is satisfactory. Additionally, provide them with a variety of dental treats or toys in order to promote good oral hygiene.
  • Ear Cleaning: It is essential that you incorporate ear cleaning into a Yorkies grooming process from a young age. This prevents infections and wax build up, which can be fatal in some cases. Gently cleanse their ears by softly wiping them with a damp cloth or utilising a veterinarian-recommended ear cleaning solution.
  • Regular Visits to Grooming Professionals: Whilst regular home grooming is important, periodic visits to a professional groomer can be beneficial for the health and wellbeing of Yorkies. They can trim the coat evenly, clean hard to reach areas and ensure that your Yorkie stands out in public. Additionally, groomers can check for skin or coat abnormalities and provide tailored recommendations for your Yorkies overall grooming routine.

By following these handy grooming tips and ensuring regular maintenance, you can keep your Yorkie’s coat healthy, tangle-free, and in top condition. These grooming sessions also provide an excellent opportunity for owners to bond with their Yorkie. Remember, the key to successful grooming lies in the patience, gentleness, and pleasure that Yorkies desire.

Yorkshire Terrier: Training and Exercise

Training plays a crucial role in the development and future well-being of Yorkies. They are intelligent and eager-to-learn dogs, known for their trainability, which makes it easier as training progresses. Here are some important points to consider when training Yorkies:

  • Training and Development: Place an emphasis on the significance of training for Yorkies. Proper training assists in establishing a bond between the owner and the dog. This enhances obedience and fosters good behaviour
  • Intelligence and Eagerness to Learn: It's important to understand the breed’s intelligence and natural inclination to learn. They are quick learners who respond well to positive reinforcement techniques.
  • Effective Training: Provide tips and techniques for effective training. Positive reinforcement methods, such as rewards, appraisals, treats, and cuddles, work exceptionally well with Yorkies. Highlight the importance of consistency, patience, and using clear commands during training sessions.
  • Exercise Needs: It’s important to discuss the requirements for Yorkies. While they can be small in size, they still need regular exercise to maintain their physical and mental well-being. Incorporate daily walks, interactive playtime, and engaging in mentally stimulating activities into your Yorkie's routine.

Understanding the importance of training, utilising their intelligence, and employing positive reinforcement techniques, which fulfil exercise needs and ensure owners that their Yorkies can grow into well-behaved and content companions.

Yorkies and their Health & Nutrition

Like any dog breed, Yorkies face certain health issues that owners should be aware of, in order to ensure their well-being. The most common health concerns for Yorkies include dental problems,  patellar luxation (kneecap dislocation), and tracheal collapse.

  • Dental Health: Yorkies must have adequate dental health due to their small mouths and crowded teeth. This means that tartar buildup and gum disease is inevitable without proper oral hygiene.
  • Regular Veterinarian and Vaccinations Visits: Through regular check-ups and vaccines, you can ensure your Yorkie remains in good health. These visits let the veterinarian check their health, manage any emergent health concerns, and offer any required immunisations to guard against disease.
  • Balanced Diet: Maintaining a healthy and balanced diet is central to your Yorkies routine. Provide them with high quality food under a rigorous feeding schedule, which ensures that they meet their nutritional needs. Consult with your local Vet to determine the portion sizes and feeding frequency that works best for your Yorkie. It may vary depending on size, age, weight and activity level.
  • Allergies: Sometimes Yorkies can either have or develop an allergy to certain foods. The most common allergies include those to poultry and dairy products. If you notice any signs of allergies, such as itching, digestive issues, or skin irritations, consult your vet to identify the triggers and adjust the diet accordingly.

You can help your Yorkshire Terrier live a healthy and happy life by addressing these health problems and following a good food and care regimen. Regular veterinarian examinations, a well-balanced diet, and attention to any sensitivities will all contribute to their general health and lifespan.

Yorkshire Terriers: Cost and Expenses

When considering adding a Yorkshire Terrier in NZ to your family, one of the most common questions that gets asked is, “How much does a Yorkie actually cost?” 

The answer is that it can vary depending on several factors:

  • Breed, Purity, Lineage and Geographical Location: Is the most significant factor influencing the cost of a Yorkie. Ones with a documented pedigree and purebred lineage tend to have higher price tags. Although, breeders history should also be taken into account. In addition, geographic locations can affect the cost as certain areas have a higher demand for these beloved companions.
  • Ongoing Costs: These include vaccinations and microchipping, which are vital for the health and safety of your Yorkshire Terrier. These initial expenses are important investments to ensure your furry friend's well-being.
  • Other Costs: Through high-quality dog food, grooming supplies or professional grooming sessions, routine veterinary care, and potential training expenses. It's important to budget for these costs to provide your Yorkshire Terrier with the care and attention they deserve.

By considering both the initial expenses and long-term financial obligations associated with owning a Yorkie puppy and later an adult Yorkshire Terrier, you can ensure that you are fully prepared to provide a healthy and happy life for your new loving companion.

Yorkies as a Family Pet

We’ve talked a lot about how great of a companion Yorkies are for singles or couples living in apartments. However, they are actually excellent dogs that thrive in a family environment. Through their small size and affectionate nature, they are incredibly adaptable, making them suitable for households with children or other existing pets.

Here are some reasons why they thrive in their home environment

  • Suitability: Yorkies are well-suited family pets due to their loyal and loving temperament. By forming strong bonds with their human family members, they are known for their unwavering loyalty. Moreover, their small size means they can thrive in the smallest of studios to the largest of homes.
  • Compatibility with Kids: Yorkies can be well suited to interacting with children and young people. It's important to introduce them safely and to supervise their interactions. Central to this is teaching children how to approach a dog calmly, respecting their personal space, and avoiding pulling on their coat or tail. Educate them on the importance of not disturbing the dog while it's eating or sleeping, and how to recognize signs of discomfort or fear in the dog's body language. Supervision is therefore crucial to ensuring the safety of both the dog and the child.
  • Adaptable to Multi-Pet Households: Yorkies thrive nicely in multi-pet families with other dogs and cats. However, it is critical to introduce them gradually and under regulated conditions. Allow each pet their own place at first, enabling them to acclimate and gradually increase their interactions under observation.

Through a solid understanding of these essential guidelines, Yorkies can become cherished family pets, providing ultimate companionship and love to both children and adults alike. It’s important to note that each dog has a unique personality, so it’s essential to consider individual temperaments when introducing them to new people or environments.

Summary: It's Time to Buy a Yorkie!

In many ways, Yorkshire Terriers have proven themselves to be exceptional companion dogs. Throughout this article, we have explored their history, unique characteristics, temperament, grooming and training requirements, health considerations, and suitability as home pets.

The loving nature they exhibit makes them wonderful companions for both individuals and families alike. The small size and adaptability to various living environments make them ideal for apartment dwellers or those with limited space. Through proper training, these intelligent dogs quickly learn commands and thrive on the positive reinforcement approach. 

While grooming may be time-consuming, the luxuriant coat of a Yorkshire Terrier is undeniably stunning. Regular grooming and upkeep guarantee that their coat is healthy and tangle-free. Given the numerous advantages mentioned, it is apparent that Yorkshire Terriers make wonderful companion dogs. Their devotion, love, and compatibility with children and other pets make them great family companions.

If you’re looking for a loyal and loving friend, we recommend getting a Yorkshire Terrier puppy or adult dog as your next pet. Their presence will definitely offer you joy, warmth, and a lifetime of treasured memories.

FAQ Yorkie Questions

Here you will find answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about Yorkshire Terriers.